
Friday 25 November 2016

St. Mary’s Island, Malpe, Karnataka.

St. Mary’s Island, Malpe, Karnataka.
St. Mary’s Islands, also known as Coconut Island and Thonsepar, are a set of four small islands in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Malpe in Udupi, Karnataka, India.

St. Mary’s Isles (Latitude 13° 20' 60" N; Longitude 74° 40' 60" E ) are a group of small islands lying a little to the north of the port of Malpe 7 kms form Udupi. Vasco-da-Gama landed in 1498 on one of these islands which he called `EI Padron de Santa Maria’. It is from this that these islands got their present name. They are just a few scattered projections of rock rising out of the western or Arabian Sea around Malpe.

Tourists can hunt around for vantage points from where to enjoy the breathtaking geological formations. The islands are a popular picnic spot with both locals and tourists alike.

St. Mary’s Islands are extremely rich in terms of flora and fauna. You can spot colonies of gulls, sandpipers, Brahminy kites, great white egrets, grey egrets and green bee-eaters among other birds.
While on a trip to St. Mary’s islands, visitors can combine a trip to Malpe and Udupi. Malpe has the famous Vadabhandeshwara Temple and an image of Sri Balarama sanctified by the saint Madhwacharya, the founder of Dvaita Philosophy. Udupi, being a renowned religious center, attracts travelers every year.

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